The Advertising Association promotes the role and rights of responsible advertising and its value to people, society, businesses and the economy. We represent UK advertisers, agencies and brands on behalf of the entire industry, acting as the connection between industry professionals and the politicians and policy-makers.

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Front Foot is our industry’s member network of over 50 businesses across UK advertising. It aims to promote the role of responsible advertising and its value to people, society and the economy through a coalition of senior leaders from advertisers, agencies and media owners.

We run a number of events throughout the year, from our annual LEAD summit to the Media Business Course and regular breakfast briefings for our members. We are also the official UK representative for the world’s biggest festival of creativity – Cannes Lions.

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A new cross-industry initiative to improve the representation of Black people in marketing.

Create meaningful change by re-evaluating your own practices and taking action today. BRiM provides actionable advice to help anyone, no matter their level, improve the representation of Black people in marketing.


By joining the BRiM community, you are committing to an ongoing and measurable journey to improve Black representation in marketing.

To become part of the BRiM community and access the framework please provide the following information:

Join the conversation:

Bobi Carley


Ete Davies


Julian Douglas


Ali Hannan

Creative Equals

Sophia Haynes


Yemi Jackson

Engage Transforn
Sharon_Lloyd Barnes

Sharon Lloyd Barnes

Advertising Association

Dara Lynch


Amir Malik


Bejay Mulenga

Supa Network

Amina Razaq


June Sarpong


Rob Scotland

Culture Skills

Seun Shobande


Leila Siddiqi


Sammi Vaughan


Dinah Williams

Creative Equals

“The Advertising Association is hugely proud to support BRiM. It is the most comprehensive programme yet to accelerate change and improve the inclusion and development of Black talent in our industry.”

Stephen Woodford, CEO of the Advertising Association

“I am committed to helping create tangible actions that lead to sustained and meaningful change for the long term. BRiM will continue to highlight this issue and accelerate progress in the area and I am incredibly honoured to be Chair.”

Julian Douglas, Chairman of VCCP, IPA President & BRIM’s Advisory Board Chair

“Our industry continues to evolve and so must our practices… Failing to commit to addressing diversity now will leave our industry vulnerable – consultancies and agencies must work together with brands to build an industry that is reflective of the society we serve.”

Deborah Womack, Lead Deloitte Digital Contributor

“My singular hope and ambition for BRiM is that we can ignite and inspire a fresh perspective; that the intellectual, creative and commercial contribution of Black people is a critical competitive advantage that requires support, development and equity in every modern media and marketing organisation.”

Rob Scotland, Head of Strategy at McCann

“[BRiM is] the first ever campaign created by Black creatives and allies, that not only raises awareness around Black representation in marketing, but specifically through BRiM provides clear, immediate and tangible action to create positive change. Less talking and more doing.”

Ete Davies, Chief Executive Officer of ENGINE and Head of ‘UK Chapter’ for Black and Brilliant Advocacy Network

“Organisations that refuse to remove the systemic barriers limiting Black and brilliant talent’s progress or access to leadership roles are effectively limiting their current and future economic value, and will struggle to attract new talent from the market in future as the pool of those happy with the status quo is shrinking.”

Yemi Jackson, UK Subgroup Member Black and Brilliant, Co-founder & CEO at Engage Transform

“It’s about time the entire Marketing community truly confronts what needs to be done to address under-representation. It takes all of us to make this happen, but leaders need to embrace this commitment with concrete, measurable actions. Not just words. As an immigrant and person-of-colour in Europe, this is personal to me. I will do my part.”

Dean Aragon, CEO of Shell Brands International AG

“It’s time we all walk the walk. We all have a responsibility, no matter your business, role or level, to drive real change. The beauty of the BRiM framework is its accessibility. Anyone, and I mean anyone, can take the toolkit and implement it into your business tomorrow with a measurable roadmap for the future.”

Caroline Foster Kenny, Global Chief Client Officer at Wunderman Thompson

“It can sometimes be difficult to know where to begin, or what actions to take. BRiM provides practical, tangible tools to actively support the great commitments made by organisations towards creating a future where we can all see ourselves celebrated, valued and included.”

Jodie Stranger, Global Business Development Practice Lead at Publicis Groupe

“We know the WHY, what BRiM provides is the HOW. Great change requires sharp focus. If we can solve an issue this entrenched it will in turn provide the momentum for further leaps forward as we look to improve the way that commerce and society work.”

Dylan Williams, Chief Strategic Officer at Droga5 and Managing Director at Accenture

“The BRiM initiative will enable the entire marketing industry to actively take positive steps to tackle unequal representation and distribution of opportunities, with a usable toolkit to take action. We will be fully backing the initiative at OMG and I am especially proud of how the media industry has rallied to ensure its launch has the coverage it deserves.”

Dan Clays, Chief Executive Officer UK at Omnicom Media Group

“When it comes to diversity, we all know that actions speak louder than words. Which is why I am hugely excited to be supporting the launch of BRiM. The BRiM framework is a fantastic step in the right direction for the industry, and a valuable tool in driving real change and increasing Black representation in marketing.”

June Sarpong, BRiM Advisory Group

“If we want to see systemic change in society, we need to see systemic change in our industry. Meaningful representation of Black people in advertising and inclusive storytelling to shift the cultural narrative is vital – there is no excuse not to accelerate change.”

Aline Santos, EVP Global Marketing and Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer at Unilever

“Of course we all do and should continue to empathise and align intellectually on improving Black representation, BUT the launch of BRiM represents a really simple framework that provides a way to take action and make a change.”

Katie McAlister, Chief Marketing Officer at TUI

“BRiM is the change the industry urgently needs to see. Ultimately, BRiM is about deeds not words, and with so many practical ways to move forwards, we hope this is a game-changer.”

Ali Hanan, CEO of Creative Equals

“ISBA and our members are committed to advance industry progress towards greater Diversity & Inclusion, through advertiser engagement. This framework provides another valuable tool for our members to ensure they achieve this.”

Bobi Carley, Head of Media and D&I Lead at ISBA

“If we want to increase Black representation in our industry, we need to stop thinking it is someone else’s job. Creating long term and meaningful change requires collective action. Our hope is for BRiM to be the catalyst for that action.”

Nicola Mendelsohn, VP Facebook EMEA & Chair of the BRiM Steering Group

“The power of BRiM is that it’s an effortless way for those working in marketing to ensure that their diversity is meaningful and inclusion more authentic. It’s most powerful impact will come from ensuring that all creators and managers have easy access to Black talent across the board which can only make their output richer and more impactful. At last!”

Amina Razaq, Creative Consultant

“The excellent advice and guidance provided through the initiative will educate individuals throughout the marketing industry, helping to build knowledge and confidence which in turn will drive appropriate, conscious action.”

Jason Richards, General Manager at PepsiCo UK & Ireland

“The lack of broader perspectives and representation results in discrimination in both attitudes and behaviour. This is the moment for change.”

Perky Noah-Effik, Co-founder & Head of Operations at The Black and Brilliant Advocacy Network

“[BRiM] goes beyond optical representation – this is about ensuring brands have access to diverse talent, allowing diverse individuals practical opportunities to elevate their work, and the chance to have open and honest conversations about the future of the industry”.

Bejay Mulenga, Founder of Supa Network

“Rather than admiring the extent of the problem, we need to focus our attention on doubling down our efforts in the area of Black representation in advertising. The framework laid out by BRiM is a great place to start, no matter where you are in your D&I journey.”

Leila Siddiqi, Associate Director, Diversity at IPA

“I am amazed and so proud of the hard work by so many people to make BRiM a reality. It’s such an important endeavour for all of us to be supporting and implementing, and one which will make real and lasting change.”

Cian Weeresinghe, Chief Marketing Officer at Wise

“Created with the industry, BRiM is the first step in creating an actionable  framework to not only find but also keep and grow Black talent. Advertising that is truly reflective of the communities we live in will drive long lasting change and effectiveness.”

Steve Hatch, VP Facebook, Northern Europe

“The issue is no longer whether we have a problem with racial equity, but more whether this is a time for words or actions. Action means measurable change. Do we have the grit to make this happen now not later.”

Tony Effik, Managing Director at Google, Co-founder at Black and Brilliant Advocacy Network

“Over recent years we have seen clumsy marketing that offends. If the industry refuses to diversify, then these ‘mistakes’ are actually by deliberate design. BRiM is a positive moment that will take us to measurable change in business.”

Phyllisia McCarthy, UK Subgroup Member and Senior Technology PR & Comms Lead

“The BRiM framework is an actionable resource to ensure that representation in marketing is built from the ground up and not just an afterthought in the work. There is still much work to be done, but this is a great positive step to hold ourselves as an industry accountable.”

Seun Shobande, International Marketing Manager at Facebook

“As marketers we know how to fight for market share but there’s a fight that’s long overdue and that’s Black Representation in Marketing. In our storytelling, in our teams, and in our agencies.”

Neil Wirasinha, Head of Media at Universal Pictures

“The advertising industry has an incredible level of power and influence, which goes hand-in-hand with a moral responsibility to shape a more inclusive and equitable society. As organisational leaders, we must transform words of solidarity into meaningful, lasting change.”

Leyla Omar, Global Operations and Diversity & Inclusion Director at Brainlabs

“Marketing influences society, it informs what we all think and do and it is therefore imperative that Black people are fairly represented both on and off camera. BRiM is about moving people from good intentions to meaningful actions and giving everyone in the industry the tools to do this.”

Henrie Clarke, Client Council & Industry Trades Director at Facebook

“Anyone who works in marketing and wants to help improve Black representation in advertising, now has no excuse. The BRiM framework provides brilliant tools to help companies make meaningful progress and affect real change.”

Hamish Nicklin, UK CEO at Dentsu Media

“If everyone was to take a minute, and just do one thing differently, BRiM could make a huge difference to the representation of Black people in our industry.”

Sophie Cartwright, Client Councils & Industry Trades Manager at Facebook

“So often the reason for failing to act when it comes to improving inclusivity and equity in our industry is not knowing where to start or who to ask for guidance. The BRiM framework provides that help.”

Sophia Haynes, Director of Campaigns at IAB UK

“At Human After All we’re excited by BRiM and its unprecedented framework. We’re eager to support this new, collaborative effort to make actual long-lasting change and tackle the structural barriers facing Black members of our industry.”

Danny Miller, Co-Founder & CEO at Human After All

“We are very proud to host the BRiM framework on our website. It’s a unique and very practical tool to improve Black representation in the entire marketing journey and totally aligns with our All In campaign for a truly inclusive industry. It is also another brilliant example of cross-industry collaboration borne out of the pandemic.”

Sharon Lloyd Barnes, Commercial Director & Inclusion Lead at the Advertising Association
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Stat: 67% of marketers understand the need for fairer Black representation in the industry but 42% say they haven’t taken any decisions to increase Black representation in marketing in the past year. Source: MetrixLab Research on Attitudes towards BRIM, April 2021
Stat: One third of Black people believe they are represented in a tokenistic way. Source: Channel 4 ‘Mirror on the Industry’ report 2019

The framework addresses principles and commitments to improve the representation of Black people in the marketing industry, on and off camera. It intends to provide a simple baseline for good practice, linking to resources from credible third parties to guide education and implementation. The framework is accessible to everyone across the industry, encouraging individuals to review their behaviours and daily practices.


The BRiM framework is accessible to everyone of all levels across the industry, encouraging individuals to review their processes and daily practices. People are asked to join the BRiM community and start their journey.


This is not a commitment you need company wide approval of. To join the BRiM community we are asking for individuals to take responsibility for their own actions, and review the practices so they can make a meaningful change. At a company level, we want leaders to cascade the framework, and socialise it internally so it can be utilised across multiple teams.

To join the BRiM community, we are asking people to provide a small amount of information and confirm they’d be happy to contribute to ongoing research about the initiative. The research is aimed at understanding how people are using the framework and what more can be done to ensure it’s up to date and as useful as possible. All data will be anonymised before being shared publicly.


BRiM was born out of the Facebook Client Council following the brutal murder of George Floyd (May, 2020). The motive for the project was further supported by insight from experienced practitioners in the field of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, that in order to achieve measurable change, we must acknowledge the nuances each group faces and focus our attention on one specific group, testing and learning as we go.

According to BRiM research (Metrixlab, April 2021), 7 in 10 marketing professionals in the UK understand the need for fairer Black representation. And more than half (58%) of marketing professionals have made decisions to increase Black presentation in marketing in the past 12 months. However, there is an opportunity to move from good intentions to meaningful actions given that 42% of professionals have not made any decisions to increase Black representation in the past year. BRiM can help close this gap. Read more here.


There are multiple ways we are monitoring the effectiveness of BRiM. By joining the BRiM community, individuals are demonstrating their commitment to a long term journey and will be asked to feed into regular research looking at the effectiveness of the framework. Learnings will be shared publicly, anonymising the input.


Please send an e-mail to, we’d love to hear from you.